
Из жизни бразильского коллекционера

Casa Cor Rio : Living by Gisele Taranto Arquitectura

Интерьер квартиры коллекционера современного искусства.
Квартира находится в одном из самых престижных исторических 
особняков в центре Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия.
Особняк построен в начале 20-го столетия.

Квартиру коллекционера украшают картины известных современных бразильских и зарубежных художников. Куратором выступила известный искусствовед Mara Fainziliber.
Проект бразильского архитектора Gisele Таранто.

Casa Cor is the biggest and most important
 event of national architecture and decoration in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The 21st edition takes place in the beautiful mansion Palacete Linneo de Paula Machado. Built in the beginning of the 20th century, the 16,000 square foot mansion sits on a plot site six times larger.
54 rooms are decorated by 86 different architects, interior and landscape designers.

In an over 1,000 square foot room, Brazilian architect Gisele Taranto has teamed up with art curator Mara Fainziliber, lighting designer Maneco Quindere and In Casa contractor to recreat the Living room of an Art Collector, mixing contemporary art and design where white color dominates.
“Ceiling, floor and walls were kept as originally and received pieces of art and designed furniture. The biggest challenge was to show that it is possible to add contemporaneity to any historical room, giving emphasis to both. Pieces of renowned and new promesing artists, national and internationally, were used in the space”, Taranto said.

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